Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about video production processes, pricing, timelines, and more.

How much does video production cost?

The honest answer is that without a brief and full understanding of what we need to create, it’s really hard to provide an accurate cost.

The costs of video production vary. Every project is different. Pricing is dependent upon a number of factors such as the total amount of filming time, the total amount of production time, the geography of your filming location(s) the final duration of your edited video(s) any licences for royalty-free music or stock footage and any additional production components – e.g. animation, actors, presenters, voiceover, venue hire etc.

I work with clients across a range of budgets and I’ll always provide a bespoke quotation to match the specific demands of your project, so please get in touch for a no-obligation quote.

What is the video production process?

First, we’ll have an informal chat where you tell me as much detail as possible about what you want to achieve, for example, what kind of video you’re looking for, is there a deadline you need me to meet, where would filming take place, who from your business needs to be involved in any filming required, how many videos do you want to produce, who is your target audience, where will the videos be shown, do require a professional voice over, do you need drone footage capturing.

After that, we’ll work together to generate ideas and come up with a script if required, a project plan to organise and schedule filming dates and times and details about who needs to be involved and at which locations we’ll be filming, organise any props which we may need to include in filming.

I’ll then come along and carry out the filming and make sure we have filmed everything we needed to capture and then I’ll go away and start editing the footage, add music, any text or graphics or animations and then I’ll send you the first initial draft. From this you’re able to provide feedback and supply me with any changes or tweaks which I’ll sort out. It may take a couple of rounds of amendments before you’re happy with the final video which I will then supply in your preferred format. Job done!

Can you help script our video production?

Abso-bloomin-lutley! Whether you have a clear message in mind or need help crafting your narrative, working with you, I can help write a compelling script that conveys your message clearly and engagingly, ensuring your video resonates with your target audience.

How long will filming take?

Filming times vary for each project as it depends on what we’re going to film, how many people we’re filming, where we’ll be filming, will we have to wait for a production process to start, will the weather become a factor if we’re filming outside,  the logistics of moving from one area to another, for example. However, having spent the time putting together a project plan indicating the details of what, who, where and when, will help speed up the filming process. If you’d like guidance on how long I’d suggest for your project, please feel free to get in touch.

How long will editing take?

This is dependent upon the scale of the project; however, I always try to start editing your video the day after we’ve finished filming. If I’m editing a simple, short video of one person talking to the camera with a few ‘cut-away’ shots, branding front and end of the video with music, then this may only take me a few hours to get an initial first draft ready.

However, if we’ve been filming for a few days at multiple locations, with lots of different people, and there is lots of footage captured, then this will make the editing time longer, but I would aim to have an initial draft to you within 7-10 days.

If we have agreed a completion date in advance then I will always ensure the video is ready before that date just in case there are any last minute, unforeseen changes required so that we still have time to meet your desired completion time.

During the pre-production process, I’ll make sure I understand your timelines and requirements and make sure everyone is clear around delivery dates.

How many editing amendment opportunities do I get?

As a rule of thumb, I try and offer clients two rounds of amendments. Usually the first round of feedback focuses on the video structure, tone, etc and the second round is for final tweaks.

How much input do you need from me to produce the video?

As your production partner, I strongly encourage your involvement in every part of the process. You can be involved as much or as little as you like in the process! However, as a minimum I like to ensure I have a detailed brief from you at the start of the project and that you are involved in organising people and locations and times and dates for filming. You are welcome to come along when I’m filming – this is preferable in order to make sure you’re happy with what is being filmed but it’s entirely up to you. Again, with editing, you can pop along and sit in for a few hours to see how your edit is coming along, or you can wait until the first draft is sent to you.